Friday, July 20, 2007

Swimming rules

On Tues- I tried to go swimming with the S.W.A.T. team. I had to go late and ran into someone I new , so we ended up talking a while. Needless to say, I didn't get much swimming done. Not to mention that my sister was Uber grumpy from a bad day at work and I think I may have added to that by not being very serious about the swim. Sorry, jen.

Thurs- my personal trainer (husband, Jeff) and I went running for about 30 minutes. walking fast 1 min and running 2 min the whole time. It wasn't nearly as horrible as Boot Camp. On the hills Jeff would chant "Hills make us stronger, hills make us stronger". Which was annoying at first but actually helps.

Friday morning-went swimming at the Y for 25 min. Swimming is the only sport I always feel comfortable with. I did the first 1/4 mile in 9 minutes and the second 1/4 mile in around 15 min. I don't think that's very accurate cuz I tend to lose count with the laps. I start thinking about other things like.......I need to make a haircut appointment...........I should go look for glasses today................That man NEEDS to wax, He's going to clog up the filter.....wait ......what lap am I on? Anyhoo, I can at least swim the 1/2 mile in a fairly decent amount of time without feeling like I might die. Getting out and biking, then running.........not yet. Baby steps!

I'm shooting for the Danskin triathlon in a year. I haven't actually said the words out loud to many people because then I feel like I have to do it. Right now I'm just thinking about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Say it with me - Hills are Your Friend! (I can be annoying too!!)

You did nothing to make me grumpy - I did that all on my own. Come back and join us again anytime, you will have fun.
Good job on the runs. I can here Danskin calling......... ya hear it??
BTW - thanks for watching my dogs, I am sorry if I sounded like the dog nazi. Just tell me to shut up.