Friday, July 13, 2007

Boot Camp sucks

I did a class called boot camp today at the Y. It was a lot of runnung up and down hills.....I decided I'm not going to that class anymore. A) I am not a runner. B) I need to go at my own pace and be able to finish the work out. I don't feel like I get a good work out if I have to keep stpping cuz everything hurts! As soon as my husband, Jeff finishes getting ready for his triathlon I might try to work out again.


bigmike600 said...

Nice blog and good job on your workout. Let me know when the next one is and maybe I will go too. I could use some work on running hills.

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you. You definitly have more life to juggle than i do and you manage to fit it in anyhow.
You should do things that you enjoy, it will make you want to do it more often. Like biking with your sister. Or running with your sister. Or swimming with your sister...... are you noticing a pattern here??
Not that I am trying to pressure you or anything, just offerring my company and entertainment.

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

One thing for sure you have a great support system out there in WI. Best of luck with your workouts.