Saturday, July 28, 2007

Haven't been hitting it as hard as I would like to this weekend.
Thursday- I didn't work out I don't remember why. I think I was just too tired.

Friday- I spent most of the day power cleaning my house. I thought I was planning on having a bunch of girls over to the house for a foo foo party, but one by one they all called to cancel.It got down to me, my sister jenny and one other girl, so I cancelled it. My sister and her family still came over to help me eat some of the fruit, etc. We could never eat that much fruit before it spoiled. At least my house is cleaner than it has been in a while. My mom came over to watch the kids while I power cleaned which was awesome! It's so hard to do that with both the kids when Jeff is working.

Today- I procrastinated as long as I possibly could, until my husband gave me the kick in the butt that I needed, thank you Jeff. I ended up running 3 miles on the treadmill. I walked a few minutes here and there but I felt better running than I have in the past. I ran the first mile in 12:30, second mile in 16 minutes, and third mile in 14 minutes. Not very good times, but as my trainer says, I should just worry about endurance right now . So endurance wise I'm pretty happy with that. Maybe I can squeeze in another run tomorrow sometime.


tayjizzy said...

Some people call it running, I call it fast walking

bigmike600 said...

We are running the bike trail from the sports complex for 5 miles from 5:30-6:30 while Lucas does passing league if you would like to join us you can.
And some people call it walking fast but I call it running.

tayjizzy said...

Jeff works until 6:00 and I have all three kids today. Thanks for the invite though.

TAK said...

3 miles...awesome!! Seriously I haven't managed to run two minutes without requesting a lung transplant from the powers above!! doesn't matter what you call it it's a step in the right direction!! I wish i was there to help with the kiddies :( give them a big fat hug for me!!

Unknown said...

hang in there. It takes a while to get to where there are days that you like it.
Hey - Masters swim group meeting at the Y Mondays and Wdnesdays at530pm. You should come do it if you find time, sounds fun - first practice it tonight.

bigmike600 said...

You somehow turned your comments off. I can't comment on your latest post.
I saw Jeff running on the bike trail after you guys must have gotten done. He was cruisin. Keep going. The more miles you put in the better you get. Same with the bike. Remember, this is fun.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.