Sunday, September 2, 2007

Cow Chip Classic 2007

Last year at the Cow Chip Classic 2006 I was pregnant. I held everyones t-shirts, cameras, kids, etc. and watched my husband, sister, and brother-in law come across the finish line. I remember thinking to myself, there is no way I can be in shape by this time next year to do this. Well, this year I did it. It didnt' feel like a good run. I had to walk three times to catch my breath. But I finished it and shaved 2 minutes off of my time from the Shamrock Shuffle in march. Yeah for me! My official time was 37:39, 296/357 overall, 21/25 for my age group. This past week has not been a good week for training. My diet has also not helped either. A huge peanut butter bagel and diet coke right before the race? Not a good idea. Doughnuts the day before? not smart. Yes, Jeff , you were right. I am only wrong 2 times every year and that was one of them so enjoy! I will try to add pictures later if they ever get posted on the website. Because I know if there are no pictures, it didn't happen. And no one was around to hold all our cameras this time.

This year Jeff, Jenny, and Mike did the 10K. Of course Jeff got some bling (show off) for 3rd in his age group, 19th overall. He always says he is ahead of the "Dads" and behind the "running freaks" Somewhere in the middle is where he usually falls. Mike is so close to breaking and hour and Jenny kept up a very respectable 11:31 min mile pace.I may have slowed her down for the first mile. We ran together until the 5 and 10 k separated. Right at a very big hill. I was very happy I didn't' have to go that way. Maybe next year.

In other news, My sister and Mike got Jacob a leopard gecko for his birthday. It is officially the coolest present ever. We now have a pet that doesn't shed or make noise and I don't have to hear, "Can we get another dog?" at least for a while. He loved it so much he slept next to his cage for the first week or so. It's nocturnal so Jake would stay up very late watching it and wake up with bags under his eyes. Izzie is very close to crawling, but hasn't said mama yet. So far just a stream of dada. even though i carried her for 9 mos.......RENT FREE! I'll remember that Isabel! And Taylor is keeping busy with swim practice. School starts on Tuesday.....THANK GOD! It's time to go back :)


Unknown said...

You did awesome. I am very proud of you mama.
BTW - you did not slow me down - it was good for me to run next to someone, the first mile is alwasy the hardest. once I'm warmed up I am good to to.

bigmike600 said...

You did good and now next year when we do it again you have a starting point. Thanks for driving and letting me wick in your car. You should be glad you were not here at my house when I got home. It was not pretty.
I think we should make Jeff carry a couple water softner salt bags as his handicap.

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Great job cutting 2 minutes off your time from March. Keep up the good work.

Di said...

Great Job there girl!! You are getting promed and ready for Danskin! Way to go.
BTW- careful what you ask for, it won't be long before ALL you are hearing is Momma, Momma, Momma, lol