Friday, September 14, 2007

I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy getting the kids ready for the first week of school and trying to adjust to new schedules. I haven't been able to work out as much with Jake's flag football games, work, etc. I also haven't been posting cuz I think there are only about 3 people that read it and didn't think anyone would miss it that much. My posts are definitely not as riveting as JWim and mike's.

Anyhoo. I was able to squeeze in a 40 min fast/walk on one of my lunch hours this week. I hate being sweaty all afternoon while I'm working but that was the only time I would have been able to do it since Jake had a game that night. And today I ran approx 5k. It felt terrible! I walked alot and forgot my IPOD. I think I need something to help me keep a decent pace and to distract me from how much I hate running. I am also super frustrated that I have been running /working out regularly for 3/4 months and have lost only 4 pounds. WTH! I need to see some results soon or I'm done torturing myself. THIS BITES! I shouldn't blog when I'm grumpy should I? I'll try to be nicer next time.

Tomorrow Jeff, Jenny, and Mike are running the 1/2 marathon. Hopefully Jeff will finish without blowing his knee out. He's been nursing a self-diagnosed "runner's knee" for quit a while. Jeff's brother, brad, is doing the 2mile run. I'm just watchin this one. There is a 5k Sunday that I'm going to do. Hopefully it will go better than today's run.


Di said...

well, I think more people read than you think. Most folks are lurkers, but they still read.

I am a race watcher too, so I'm with ya.

Unknown said...

This chick needs details about tomorrow - when, where, and would you like more cowbell? I plan to be there to spectate YOU for a change if we can get back from Dousman in time!

TAK said...

Uh Michele... You're lonely sister ALL the way out in CO reads your blog... DAILY, even if I have to reread an old post. it's just nice to know what you guys are up to ya know!!! If it makes you feel any better anytime I start to work out after a break, I gain about 5 to 7 pounds then it starts to go down after I stop obsessing about it :)