Sunday, September 16, 2007

St John Vianney Fun Run 5k(1mile walk)

WoW! That was my best time ever. I took a super short cut cuz I was following everyone else.
My time was 32:57. The best I've done a 5k in is 38 something. Everyone followed some kid on a bike for the route and there were High School track members sitting at certain points telling you the time and showing you which way to go. But at a key turn in the race there was no one, so everyone just did the loop and went back the way they came. Oh Well. It's just for fun. The garmin says I did the first mile in 3:04 (holy crap batman!). The second mile in 11:48. Third mile in 10:35. And the last .75 mile in 7:28. I'm pretty happy about the 10:35 mile. That ain't half bad for me. I think I was listening to a faster song at that point. Whatever works :) Jacob did the 1mile. That's his picture coming across the finish line. And He ran me across the finish line ringing JWIM's cow bell. I just have one thing to say.......MORE Cowbell!!! Jen and Mike also caught the tail end of the race. They showed up in full spandex which is pretty funny cuz they were the only ones. It was a small race sponsored by a church so no serious runners or anything else. Thanks Guys for coming to watch. I feel kinda weird having you watch me. You should have ran this one also. Your so lazy. You act like you did a 1/2 mary and a du this weekend or something! sheez!


Unknown said...

The race director FREAKING OUT was the funniest thing I have seen in a while.... I truly thought he might blow a stroke.... I wonder if that PETER kid he was screaming for just slunk home instead of having to face him.....
Great run! 10:35 woulda smoked me ALL weekend!
That Jake is getting to be quite the little runner pants too - Look out Jeff, you might be training your biggest competition.

bigmike600 said...

Yahoo. Sorry we were late.. Traffic around Jefferson was bad. Hope you keep doing it. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Plus you burn off more calories when you can start going for longer runs. PGAL. Later.

bigmike600 said...

In the words of Molly Shannon...You are a


Di said...

damn!! Mike stole mt line!!