Saturday, September 29, 2007

My thighs are on fire!

So I signed up to do a 15 mile fun bike ride with the girls from work. I asked Jenny to go with cuz I know she hearts riding her bike. She talked me into riding the 30 mile instead. I'm not even going to discuss how much I slowed her down. I was ridiculously slow! The second half was very hilly and windy. I felt like I was pedaling 20MPH. When I looked down it was more like 8MPH. Wow! I am not where I should be as far as my training for the tri. WTH! The first 15 went better than the second. I whined and complained the whole time. Jenny should be used to that by now. What fun would it be if I just did it without complaining. right Jen? I stopped pissing and moaning when jenny threatened to make me ride home in the back seat if I didn't stop. good times........good times. Next year we'll have to bring the family's with. There was a fall festival going on, arts and crafts, trick or treating, a parade, etc. And most importantly.......a beer tent. :)

Last night I squeezed in a 5k with Izzie in the stroller. She's 9 mos now and enjoys her rides. That was the first time I have tried to jog with her in her stroller though. Whenever I started running faster, she would make this funny "ooooo" noise. I felt a little like Team Hoyt. I also had the bejesus scared out of me. It was dark and this car kept slowing down behind me and then when I turned around they would turn the corner. A couple minutes later they were behind me again and slowed down. When I turned around they turned the corner again. Finally, they pulled up right next to me and it was too dark to see who was in the car, but I could tell there were four people. I picked up my cell phone and dialed my home number. I wanted to tell Jeff where I was and keep him on the line in case something happened. They rolled down the window and I heard an old man's voice ask me where orchard street was. I think I peed a little. No more running by myself in the dark!


Unknown said...

Yeah - a brick!

And please don't tun by yourself in the dark, why? Because we like you!

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Awesome job on the ride and run.

bigmike600 said...

Get some water...put out the fire...and keep moving.

Only about 8 months until the Danskin....
Jenny told me what Jeff said about the guy on the cover of Runners world and that made me laugh.

Di said...

oh gawd !! listen to your sister!!

tayjizzy said...

That's the only time I can do it! I'll try not to.