Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tagged by Jenny

5 interesting things about myself, hmmmmmmmm....................

1. I am not that interesting. Right now I am about the most boring person you will ever meet. My life revolves around my family. I have a very supportive husband who is always encouraging me to find something I really like to do ,but I am so boring I wouldn't even know what that would be. I go out with friends about 2-3 times a year and spend the whole time feeling like I'm neglecting my kids and don't really enjoy it.

2. I just recently read a book (a grown up one) from beginning to end for the first time in about 8 years! Since the first baby I didn't even try to read a book for the first 3 years cuz I just didn't' have the time. Then I went to school for three years and every spare moment I had was spent studying for board exams, etc. I always feel guilty reading because my house is always such a tornado. I feel like if I have any free time I should spend it cleaning or something. ......I know it's pathetic.

3. If we had a bigger house and more money, I would definitely have more kids. They are so fun. They make me smile everyday and think about how lucky I am to have my life. Even the 15 yearcold in all of her teenage splendor is lots of fun most of the time :)

4. I wish I had never told anyone I was doing the triathlon. I'm so sick of talking about it. Everytime I talk about it I feel another nail in my coffin. I'm still not very confident that I can even do it. And other people keep saying they are going to do it with me. I don't want to be responsible for organizing a whole group of people to go down to the tri. I'm not good at that. I think it will be difficult enough to deal with my own nerves let alone a bunch of other first time triathletes who keep asking me questions like I'm some kind of expert because my husband has done this before.

5. I really wish my little sister lived in Wisconsin again. I miss her. I talk to her alot (via email of course cuz she doesn't like the phone per her list) but it's not the same. It's hard to listen to her go through hard times and not be able to hug her or take her out for drinks :)

6. was there supposed to be 5 or 6? Well, I haven't really worked out much the entire month of DECEMBER. I feel like a big doughy piece of poo! I smell a new years resolution!


Unknown said...

- I don't like to do much myself. except hang out with the family and move round.
- I only read on the toilet. ou will find all my books and magazines there. (Makes you want to borrow something to read from me doesn't it)
- You should have more kids. Your babies are cute. And your big kids are fun too.
- No pressure. tell everyone you aren't doing it and we will train in secret.
- I'm with ya there.
- My name is Jenny and Ive beena slacer too. It's OK - it will be 2008 in a couplel days.

TAK said...


Unknown said...

Um..... race report? Actually race reportsSSSS??